Monday, December 29, 2008

Your empty graveyard

I mourned my loss
And for a while I mourned yours as well
But lately I've been mourning my broken heart
The heart I saved for you
The heart I took from others and put into a high yield savings bond just for you
I developed a trust fund to support you
To support your body and soul
And heart
When I myself could no longer do it for you
My heart broke for you
I broke for you
And you let me
You let me fall
You let me break
And as of late you are the only reason that my heart tears in two
You are the only reason that that tear is squared an infinite number of times
Because two years of adding you to me in my head was no preparation
No preparation at all for the day of the exam when
I had to add you to me and then subtract you and divide my heart by two and square the quotient
And then square it again
You square that obscene number until no number for that amount exists
And at that point you may then realize what you did truly did to me
Two years in a high yield savings bond leaves quite a lot to be acquired
But when you withdrew the entire lump sum
It closed your account
So when you tried to put it all back there was no where to put it
You smashed the piggy bank
You smashed it to get what was inside
And I guess its my fault for letting you do it
But I never thought you would
And maybe all you need
And maybe all I needed
And maybe all we needed was a money management seminar
But those always seem to come too late

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