Monday, December 29, 2008

Ice, Water, Vapor: My Interpretation of Love

no i don't think i've ever seen a truly successful relationship. love changes. people change. and i think that's why i at least have yet to see a truly successful relationship. love is like water, it continues on forever but not always in the same form. whether it be liquid, gas, or as a solid.

as people change the love we feel for each other changes as well. sometimes it's the kind of love that is all consuming. where we look at the other person and know that everything is okay. the love that says i am all yours. but there's also the love that says i love you but you hurt me so it'll never really be the same again. there's love that says you have a place in my heart just not my life. those last two have to be the hardest. because with those types the love isn't lost just the person you fell in love with.

but thats why most marriages don't work. and i've seen this my entire life. they don't work because the people in it change but the marriage doesn't. a marriage that once encompassed two people who had given their hearts to each other now separately houses two hearts that cant understand that the heart they used to hold isn't what it used to be.

but if the relationship changes with the people. if we can learn to accept the fact that people are what they are and that people change. if we can all learn that you either need to accept people for who they are and love them for it or walk away if you can't. then maybe love has a chance of surviving.

we're running out of fresh water. maybe it's time for a few desalinization plants. that way all the water does is change.

i really think this may sound odd. im not sure if i typed it right or my point got across really well but here it is.

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