Monday, December 29, 2008

writing poems about facebook mobile while listing to the saddest playlist i've ever created for educational purposes

maybe one day
sooner or later
i'll reach a point of indifference
when the words to ashanti's the way i loved you will no longer affect my heart and make me think of you
when the mere thought of the song is anybody listening will no longer make me think of how despite the awesomeness of this omelet, and the oj and hashbrowns
the toast you burnt couldnt do anything but make this the breakfast worst ever
i mean come on burnt toast never made breakfast any better
its on the horizon
i swear its coming
i swear the end is near
the end of cold nights remembering what it was like when we had a perfect breakfast
when you held me the only way you knew how
close to your heart
and how
you remember
when i sat on your lap and held your head close to my heart
because normally you tower above me
just the way i like it
and because normally there is no way for you to be near my heart
but this wasn't a normal summer
the toast was never perfect
and no one got the words just right
no ones toast was perfect
no one quite got the words right
but now im writing this from my laptop listening to songs that at first just made me remember you
and now they make me remember your touch
and crave it
and fiend for it
and remember how your skin felt touching mine
and now im writing this crap from my laptop
listening to the saddest playlist i ever made for educational purposes
thinking of you
and how you looked at me today
and thinking of how you texted me the other day
with false hope and love
and even happy sad songs make me want to cry for the heart i lost and as many times as ive tried to stop wiriting this lame thing
but i cant
i cant stop writing about how much you broke my heart
and crushed me
if not all

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